Fountain Valley School District vs Community CItizens of Huntington Beach

What is in the best interest of Huntington Beach Community?

Is the area safe for the citizens of Huntington Beach and others?

Please take a look at this diagram and see what the FVSD is offering:

Are we doing our best to preserve our open space for the Huntington Beach Community? In our plan (shown in Red), this still leaves over 7 acres to be developed by FVSD buyer. However, FVSD false financial woes as they may be, (i.e. $6 Million Slater/Brookhurst purchase commercial building for FVSD staff + $3 million to upgrade the same building) should not put the burden on the citizens of the community of Huntington Beach. Seven acres is what we seek, we would like more but we endeavor to be fair!

Alan Gandall
PO Box 5546
Huntington Beach, CA 92615-5546

Posted: Sun - August 7, 2005 at 08:47 PM          
