April 4th Study Session City Council Meeting Minutes

The City Council is unified in their cause to save the fields.  The issue is money.  There is none available at this time to purchase the fields.  However, all is not lost ~ we must unite as a community to raise the funds to purchase the fields and keep our open space.

The issue is proper clarification of FAIR MARKET VALUE.  Even the city staff thinks it's worth about $20,000,000 plus.  They should know that's not FAIR MARKET VALUE.  $20,000,000 plus is tantamount to Highest and Best Use with an approved map/plan/etc. The point here is that could be the value only after the CEQA process and the other map/plan approvals.  Builders usually bid on a property based on conditions or subject to, acquiring maps, plans and approvals.
Fair Market Value Issue

At the Wardlow Site for example, Tax Assessment Value is $3,272,379. Broken down, it looks like this:

Land Value $1,215,517
Improvement Value $2,056,862 (Source Orange County Tax Assessor Office)

This is where the City has its best option to purchase under the Naylor Act. The purchase price is a minimum of 25% and no higher than the original purchase price (donation) plus the cost of living adjustments or CPI.  The SaveOurField.Org attorney will verify conditions imposed by the Naylor Act to make sure the price is properly and legally set.

What now?

Huntington Beach says that we may have different financing models to purchase properties, including:

1) Float a Bond - Cost per household would be $5/month ($60/year) parcel tax, it seems, according to the City Council. This tax could save all fields.
2) Grants - Local, state and federal grants as well as Land Trust Funds.
3) Other methods still to be determined due to just how much is still in question.

The City is asking our help.  Right now we need to focus on the following:

* Build Membership - Currently we are at 1,300+ but we need 5,000+ membership or more. We need to keep everyone informed of the situation, and strong membership is the best way.

* Raising funds and Donations - Here's how we cut the pie of expenses. For every dollar donated:

a. Legal Issues & Proper Reach 30%
b. Ad to City for Bond Issue Feasibility 15%
c. Cost of Advertisement 30%
d. Cost to Rally and Organize 15%
e. Cost of Web Site 10%

It looks like our best shot is a bond issue on the ballot.  Community support will make the difference.  I know that some of you have donated already, and I thank you for that.  We need to gear up!  I believe in putting up or shutting up.  Personally, I have already used my own money to keep this campaign going but we need so much more.  I believe that if each one of us is going to contribute as much as one can on a monthly basis it will all add up.  Right now we need to arm ourselves financially so we can bring our campaign to a new level.  We as a group, and that includes everyone, around every field in Huntington Beach, need to stop once and for all, the sales of our last open spaces.  Your neighborhood or school may be the next one to be effected by the “hunt for money by the school districts.”

Stay tuned as I plan on meeting with each member of the Huntington Beach City Council to set a direction and to map out a workable plan.

Alan Gandall

Save Our Field.org

Posted: Thu - April 7, 2005 at 10:03 PM          
