Next Meeting: Huntington Beach City Council - April 4, 2005

[CORRECTION! The Huntington Beach City Council study session starts at 4 PM and NOT at 6 PM. Please see the following addendum for clarification:
From: "Payne, Laurie" <>
Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2005 11:24:54 -0800
To: "''"
Subject: Council meeting on April 4th
Hi Alan.
I understand that a flyer has been circulating telling residents that the council is discussing the school sites at their April 4th meeting.
I wanted to be sure that you understand that the subject is on the calendar for a study session starting at 4pm, but the subject is not on the agenda for the council meeting which starts at 6 pm.
Of course, the public comment portion of the 6pm agenda is designed for items not on the agenda - I was just worried that people might show up at 6pm expecting the issue to be on that agenda.
Please let me know that you have received this email and if you have any questions.
Thanks, Laurie
Laurie Payne
Community Relations Officer
City of Huntington Beach
(714) 536-5577]

Howdy all.

The Huntington Beach City Council is conducting an meeting in the interest of inviting public comment. The overhanging issue is to determine how the general public perceives this issue and what should be done about it. This is the city's first such meeting on this topic. Please plan on attending. Tell everyone you know. This will be yet another important meeting for everyone to attend.

The meeting will be held in the City Council Chambers at 2000 Main Street and typically begin at 4 PM with a study session or closed session meeting. The open and televised portion of the City Council meeting starts at approximately 6 PM and can be viewed on cable television on channel 3.

The Public Comments portion of the meeting is at the beginning of the meeting. During Public Comments anyone may address the City Council on any issue for a maximum of three minutes.

City Council Office

The City Council’s office is located on the fourth floor of City Hall at 2000 Main Street, Huntington Beach, CA 92648. The City Council’s Administrative Assistant can be reached at 714-536-5553, the fax number is 714-536-5233.

Hope everyone can make it for the 6 PM public session 4 PM study session. Please keep an eye on the web site in case the place, time or date of the meeting is updated.

Alan Gandall
Hot Line: 714-968-3023

Posted: Thu - March 17, 2005 at 10:25 PM          
